We are currently deep in the midst of winter in the US. Most of the nation has already experienced massive snowstorms, ice storms, and freezing temperatures that felt like the coldest yet this season. Just as you take measures to keep yourself or your pets warm and safe during winter, your home is a valuable asset and must, too, be protected. Keep reading for our homeowner’s cold weather checklist.
Cold Weather Home Safety Checklist
Move through the checklist below to keep your home safe and structurally protected throughout winter. If you prefer to check off each item physically, right-click to print this page.
Check that your pipes are insulated and that there are no leaks or drips
Check to make sure your furnace and other heating appliances are working properly
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries as needed
Place any space heaters at least three feet away from any flammable material
Keep fireplaces clean and adequately ventilated – consider hiring a professional to clean the flue
Check window seals for air leaks and replace caulk or weatherstripping as needed
Clear all walkways and driveways of snow and ice
Check outdoor lighting to make sure it is working properly
Check for signs of frozen pipes and take steps to thaw them if necessary
Make sure your snow blower is in working order and stored safely
Check all holiday decorations for frayed wires or other safety hazards
Monitor local weather reports for extremely cold temperatures, and plan ahead. Try to work through this checklist when it gets a bit warmer, as temperatures fluctuate throughout winter. The last thing you want is to be outside trying to apply weather sealing to a window when it’s snowing.